Health and Wellness Gadgets on CTV Tech Talk

tech talk novemberFrom a brain sensing headband, to a Wi-Fi scale and even a laser razor, we looked a an interesting variety of gadgets on CTV’s Tech Talk this week.

Muse Brain Sensing Headband

museThis is a gadget I found unexpectedly cool.  The Muse headband helps you relax or meditate by playing a guided relaxation session, while you wear the Muse headband, which senses your brain activity. From a 3 minute meditation to 45, Muse will talk you through relaxed breathing exercises, then display the results of your brain activity during this time. I tested it out over a couple weeks and with different friends and coworkers and was surprised to find it worked really well. A full review and explainer will be on the blog soon. Meantime, you can get your hands (or brain) on one at Best Buy for $249.

iHealth Scale


A digital scale that’s sleek and pretty, this is a nicer addition to your bathroom than what’s standardly available.  iHealth connects to you phone via Wi-Fi and tracks and stores your weight or BMI data, and it can even be shared with your doctor or a fitness buddy. The backlit display even auto-adjusts brightness based on how dim or bright the room is. The iHealth scale is available at Best Buy for $49.

Philips Beardtrimmer 9000 Laser Razor

IMG_7413The Beardtrimmer 9000 is a standard trimmer by many accounts, but it has a few cool features that are making it popular with men, including lasers. The lasers act as a guide to give you nice even edges to your facial fur. Read the full review on the blog here. You can also pick one up from Best Buy for $79.

Sony Xperia Z5 Smartphone from Bell

Sony Xperia Z5We also shared info about the Sony Xperia Z5 smartphone giveaway — the same phone James Bond uses in the new movie Spectre–  on the CTV contest site.  Click here to be redirected to the site to enter.

Don’t forget to follow Erin on Instagram and Twitter @ErinLYYC and Like the Facebook page for tech news and gadget updates.

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